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Sale price$600.00 USD

Seed Simulator

Test your planter monitors with DICKEY-john's Seed Simulator. The Seed Simulator can demonstrate functionality of most DICKEY-john® planter monitors (PM100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 1000, 3000, Seed Manager™ SE and ASM™ II). An adapter cable is required to connect to the appropriate planter monitor. 

  • Features and Benefits:
  • Replicates one or all row failure
  • Simulates seed sensor and radar ground speed signals on planters up to 36 rows
  • Reproduces two seeding rates for both corn and soybeans
  • Checks the planter monitor +8 volt supply to the seed sensors and +12 volt supply to radar
dickey-john Seed Simulator (46790-1000)
dickey-john Seed Simulator (46790-1000) Sale price$600.00 USD